Sunday, March 6, 2011

Exploring my PS3

The keyboard is slow
very pixalated
Forget PPS...This is way way better
I usually use my PS3 for gaming only, but now i've found another way to utilise it. All this while i had been playing games on my PS3 only because the built in wifi antenna of the PS3 is so crappy that i have to either move the router or the ps3 around my house just to get a signal. I got fed up with moving my ps3 around my house, so eventually i surrendered and used it for offline purpose only.

Since i've moved to a new office recently, i've managed to salve miles and miles of ethernet cables that i can used to hook my router to my PS3. The result is stable internet connection. So stable infact that i've stop using my laptop to stream movies. The only drawback with using the PS3 as a network TV is the inability to watch HD videos. I have to use youtube's XML (TV version of youtube) to watch non HD content. Videos that played so well on my PC, becomes very pixelated on the TV. I've read thru the web that youtube had specifically made a site for PS3 users called . I've tried that but it seems like some HD videos still gives errors.

The conclusion is don't use your PS3 as a media player, but if you still want to do it, please install UBUNTU into it. This OS installation will turn your PS3 into a full fledge PC.

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